Frederickson Moss Removal Services

Clay roof tiles with moss

Moss growth on your roof can sneak up on you—you might not notice it when it’s foggy and misting, but it sticks out like a sore thumb on “Mountain’s out” days. 

And you’re probably not the only person in Frederickson fighting to rein in the most prolific plant in Puget Sound. What do your neighbors do to keep the moss at bay?

They call Dependable Roofing

As the most trusted Frederickson moss removal company, Dependable Roofing is a resource for homeowners struggling to keep their roofs clean, watertight, and moss-free. Between regular cleaning, treatments, and other solutions, Dependable Roofing can help you cut through the noise (err, moss) for good.

Why Remove Moss? A Primer for Puget Sound

Moss has started its clandestine conquest of your roof—what happens if you just ignore it?

  • Your roof could leak – Moss degrades roofing materials and creates small openings where water can intrude, and even more moss can grow.
  • Your gutters could be overrun – Moss can grow in—and clog—gutters, too. Without gutters in optimal working condition, dripping water (an almost daily reality in the PNW) can cause damage to your foundation, siding, landscaping, and roofing.
  • You might have to replace your roof entirely – Between jeopardizing your watertight materials and sabotaging your gutters, moss wear and tear can add up fast. Left unchecked, it could cost you your roof.

Dependable Roofing: The Frederickson Moss Removal Company For You

The consequences above are nothing to shake a stick at. Why should you call Dependable Roofing for your Frederickson moss removal needs?

  • We’re seasoned experts. We’ve been in the roofing business in Frederickson for over thirty years, a legacy we’re proud of. Check out our customer reviews to hear how we’ve helped other homeowners eradicate moss.
  • We offer free estimates – No matter what roofing conundrum leaves you head-scratching (moss, leaks, clogged gutters, or aesthetic challenges), we start every project with a free estimate. Before signing on the dotted line, you’ll have a clear picture of what we’re doing and how much you’ll spend.
  • We’re locals – Out-of-towners just don’t understand the challenges of living (and maintaining a home) in this climate; we do. As PNW locals for decades, we have the expertise and personal experience to keep your roof operational in the wet, cold weather of Puget Sound.

Ready to tackle the moss once and for all? Reach out to us to get a free estimate.

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